How Long Can an Octopus Stay Out of Water

Short answer
Under ideal conditions, an octopus may survive several minutes on state.

Octopuses have gills and hence are dependent on water for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Gills collapse on land considering of the lack of buoyancy (source: UC Santa Barbara). Octopuses accept 3 hearts. 2 of these are dedicated to move blood to the animal's gills, emphasizing the animal's dependence on its gills for oxygen supply. The third heart keeps circulation flowing to the organs. This organ heart really stops beating when the octopus swims, explaining the species' tendency to crawl rather than swim (source: Smithsonian).

Co-ordinate to the Scientific American, crawling out of the water is not uncommon for species of octopus that alive in intertidal waters or near the shore (Fig. 1). Because most species of octopus are nocturnal, we humans just don't come across it often. Their boneless bodies are seemingly unfit for moving out of water, but it is idea to be food-motivated, e.g. shellfish and snails that can be found in tidal pools.

Octopuses depend on water to breathe, so in addition to being a cumbersome mode of transportation, the land crawl is also a take chances. When their skin stays moist, a limited corporeality of gas exchange can occur through passive diffusion. This allows the octopus to survive on land for curt periods of time, because oxygen is absorbed through the skin, instead of the gills. In moist, coastal areas it is believed they can crawl on country for at least several minutes. Mostly they go from pool to puddle, never staying out of the water for extended periods. If faced with a dry surface in the sun, they volition not survive for long (source: Scientific American).

Fig. i. Octopus on land. Source: BBC

Your sub questions; I think small octopuses may survive longer, since passive gas exchange is the mode of survival on land. In general, an increase in diameter causes the volume to increase with a tertiary power, while surface increases with a power of ii. Therefore, an increase in body size reduces the surface-to-volume ratio and leads to reduced gas commutation. Considering passive gas exchange needs large surface-to-volume ratios, I am inclined to believe small octopuses may cope better with terrestrial environments. However, in hot, barren weather it is likely a bigger one volition take an advantage, because it can store more than oxygen in its blood.

In terms of species, I have to say I couldn't find any sources going in so much detail on this. Likely, as said, smaller species may exercise better in cool, moist conditions, while larger specimens may exist better off in dry out environments.

- Harmon Courage, Sci Am; (Nov 2011)


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