Sex Memes 2019 for Him Funny

Young couple hugging each other

As much as we might like to do it, we don't talk enough about it. Funny sex memes are a great way to get the conversation going without sounding offensive. They paint an accurate picture of real scenarios, and that's why they seem engaging and exciting.

Share sex memes with your partner or friends to see if they enjoy funny sex memes as much as you do. Moreover, naughty sex memes make excellent conversation starters with your partner and posture you as amusing and playful.

100 Funny Sex Memes That Will Make You Laugh

Funny Sexual Memes, Dirty Sex Memes, Naughty Sex Memes- You name it; we got it. Continue reading to enjoy the laugh ride and have a good time.

1. When he asks you if you have any sex toys.

When he ask if you have any sex toy

2. When she understands what is true productivity.

Flirty memes to send to your lover

3. How you look at your girl 20 minutes into "Netflix and chill."

How you look at your girl 20 minutes into "Netflix and chill"

4. When he starts kissing the neck before Netflix even loads.

When he start kissing the neck before Netflix

5. When you both love role play.


6. When she says she likes intelligent guys.

When she says she like intelligent guys

7. When you put on a suit and tie

8. When they say that they are getting that bread.

9. When you have limitless desire.

10. When he wants you to do all the nasty things you sexted to him when you were bored and lonely

When he want you to do nasty

11. The saddest story in 4 words

Sad story in 4 words

12. When she's watching him go get the towel thinking to herself, "hmmm, maybe he is different than the rest."

When she is watching him

13. When he says Netflix and chill, but you walk in, and he ain't even got a TV.

Netflix and chill

14. When she says "go deeper," but you have run out of poems.

15. When you almost died during round one, and he asks if you ready for round two.

16. When you shave everything and exfoliate your entire body for "What about tomorrow night?"

17. How do you feel about me?

18. When you get to the point.

Flirty memes to send to your lover

19. When he gives too many instructions.

Flirty memes to send to your lover

20. How do you feel about me?

Flirty memes to send to your lover

                      Related Reading:                                Best Love Memes to Brighten up Your Day                  

21. When you are waiting for him to come back with a towel.

22. Always looking for alternate solutions.

23. When sex counts

Flirty memes to send to your lover

24. When your loneliness becomes your best friend

25. When he catches you off-guard.

Flirty memes to send to your lover

26. Sexpectation vs Reality

27. Thirsty much!

Flirty memes to send to your lover

28. While playing dress-up.

29. When you start questioning your own reality.

30. Popular opinion

31. When you are well-prepared for all that comes your way.

32. Ever happened to you?

33. If you know what they mean…

34. When their innocence surprises you.

35. When he is grown-up about it.

36 Let's talk it out.

37. Too early to be nasty in public?

38. It has been a tough couple of years

39. When you take it too literally.

40. It's time to make a move or a movie?

                      Related Reading                                :                                            Best Love Memes for Her                  

41. The compliments she wants…

42. She's a lucky girl!

43. Once more…get it on!

44. It's confusing.

45. If only there were a method to this madness

46. When you are too shy to admit.

47. There has been a mistake…

48. In for a treat.

49. Uh, What?

50. Fifty Shades Darker?

51. Let's go…once more!

52. Oops!

53. Mutual Hatred it is.

54 The warning has been issued.

55. What a dirty mind!

56. The struggle is real

57, When he got the lube.

58. I'd rather get a cat

59. What an eye-opener!

60. Interesting Indeed.

                      Related Reading:                                            Cute Relationship Memes for Your Partner                  

61. Please me, please!

62. Desperately searching!

63. Sounds like a plan!

64. Isn't that good to hear?

65. That's true!

66. Same but different!

67. When you get the best of both worlds.

68. Being very subtle about it.

69. You're caught for good!

70. Very high

71. Life-lessons!


73. Full weight, please

74. If you ain't first, you're last

75. Priorities!

76. Pick your favorite.

77. It's an obvious choice.

78. Let that sink in.

Flirty memes to send to your lover

79. Damn! The things we do.

80. Me trying to be sexy. Expectations vs Reality.

Flirty memes to send to your lover

                      Related Reading:                                Best Love Memes for Him                  

81. Unfair!

Flirty memes to send to your lover

82. What a save!

Flirty memes to send to your lover

83. When she finds out your USP!

Flirty memes to send to your lover

84. Someone hold me horses!

Flirty memes to send to your lover

85. Sure can't do.

86. Laying there like..

87. Awww!

88. Time to suck it up.

89. How to come up with an excuse?

90. Giving her jitters down there.

91. Truly disappointing.

92. Wouldn't that be nice?

93. Being straight about it.

94. First time is a charm.

95. Being smart ahead of time

96. When you like what you see!

97. Have you been practicing?

98. In tears.

99. A helping shoulder…

100. The force is strong with this one.

                      Related Reading:                                Sexy Memes For Him                  


Hope these funny sex memes filled your day with laughter and joy. Dirty sex memes are indeed a fun way the address the awkwardness in sex and the stigma around it. Share raunchy sex memes with your partner that feel relatable, on-point and enjoyable.


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